Top Coffee Machines 2023: Expert Tested!☕

A patterned repeated background image-only with coffee

Best Coffee Machines 2023: Tested by the experts

Best Coffee Machines 2023: Tested by the experts

I. Introduction

A. Overview of the best coffee machines in the market for 2023

B. Testing methodology and personal opinions

II. Nespresso Vertuo Next

A. Best single serve pod coffee maker

B. Serves 5 different drink sizes

C. Mess-free and convenient

D. Disadvantages: Expensive pods, no milk frothing option

III. DeLonghi Dinamica Plus ECAM370

A. Best bean to cup coffee maker

B. Customizable settings for grind level, strength, and froth

C. Automatic milk frothing

D. Disadvantages: Takes up lots of space, requires experimentation

IV. Sage the Barista Express

A. Best for coffee connoisseurs

B. Delivers rich and creamy espressos

C. Inspired by commercial espresso machines

D. Disadvantages: Large on the worktop, no option for ground coffee or pods

V. Smeg Drip Filter Coffee Machine

A. Best for drip coffee (filter coffee)

B. Retro style design

C. Programmable timer for brewing

D. Disadvantages: Takes up a lot of counter space, interface steams up

VI. Cuisinart DGB-650BC Grind and Brew Auto

A. Best for versatility, works with whole beans or pre-ground coffee

B. Thermal carafe has a 10-cup capacity

C. Programmable settings

D. Disadvantages: 10-cup capacity equivalent to 5 mugs, coffee temperature isn’t constant

VII. Conclusion

A. Recap of the top 5 coffee machines

B. Final thoughts and recommendations depending on individual preferences and needs